文學院  中國文學系  

二、 授課方式 Meeting and Counseling
1. Class meeting and Hand-on practice. Since this course has a thorough continuity in course design, students should avoid to miss any topic of the learning chain.
2. Individual counseling: Tue.-Thur. afternoon by appointment. Extra-hour counseling may be available, if it is for volunteering learning activity.
3. Telephone counseling: (02)2236-8225 Ext.3347, 0921807365
4. Email counseling: txwu@cc.shu.edu.tw
5. Online counseling: http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw; http://tx.shu.edu.tw
三、 教學大綱與進度Course Outline
[Date] [Agenda] [Activities]
3/2 Introduction
Learning resources Electing representative of class,
*Projector, PC or internet
3/9 Fundamental1, and2
Remote Management Platform
Login Tips
Media resources and tools
Setup a simple website

Hand-on practice

3/16 Video Design
Feature video design
Documentary video design
Team organization
Online roll call,
Post your idea to recruit teammates,
Hand-on practice
3/23 Pretest--(1)--(2)--(3)
Team-up tools
Video equipment
Digital video recorder
Introducing your neighbor
Video planning and designing
Hand-on practice
3/30 FrontPage Basics
Check teams and video plans
Hand-on practice
4/6 Spring break  
4/13 TX’s tip: 2 secrets
TX's tip: 5 steps
Cases study on media esthetics
@Management charts finalizing
@Draft video design and assignment
*Proposal scheduling
4/20 Proposal for video planning @Video plan presentation
Evaluation and competition of proposals
4/27 Assignment and rehearsal of video production  
5/4 Production of video Field work
5/11 Process engineering
Check web project proposals
Hand-on practice
5/18 -Blocks-2
Hand-on practice
5/25 -Multimedia
Upload works
*Duty of Managing Editor
Hand-on practice
6/1 Video production
Video file converting
Video authoring
Video broadcast
@Project templates finalizing
Hand-on practice
6/8 Post production or
Web/Server management
SharePoint practice
Dynamic database *Presentation scheduling
Hand-on practice
Project polishing and publishing
6/15 Project delivery Final exhibition and presentation
6/22 Project delivery Final exhibition and presentation
*Prepared by the representative of class every time unless further notice.
@In charge by JME, ME and all management.
四、成績評定Requirements and Grading
1. Project Process Review and Class Participation 平時成績(20%):課堂參與。
2. Project Accomplishment 學期成果(80%):網站成果、視訊設計、實作分工與進度管理、期中檢討、期末報告
3. Extra Contribution特別加分(10%):參與和教學活動有關的服務、群體作業工作(for team management)或其他對教學的回饋,表現優良。
4. 學習成果提示事項
5. 網路繳交報告注意事項
Individual: http://cg@tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/txcomm/&ewmedia/
Presentation URL: http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/GCot06/WebPhysicalName
EIC or Team leader: http://cg-eic@tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/GCotfeat/
DB manager: ftp://cg-vote@tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw
Supervisor of features: ftp://cg-features@tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw
五、 參考書目Required Readings and Learning Materials
1. 線上教材 Required
Wu, Tung-Xiung, Online Research Papers and Teaching Handouts; http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/ColorStone/resource.htm#docs
Wu, Tung-Xiung, Online Learning Materials; http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/ColorStone/resource.htm#tools
Wu, Tung-Xiung, Online Application Tools; http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/Tools
Wu, Tung-Xiung, Online Media files; http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/Mediafiles
Wu, Tung-Xiung, Online Design Demos; http://tx.liberal.ntu.edu.tw/ColorStone/DesignDemo
2、 參考書 Secondary
林佳生、林麗琴(編著);〈隨手翻系列:中文版FrontPage 2003〉; 臺北:松崗;2006
新形象出版公司編輯部; ﹤中國文字造形設計:實用篇、應用篇﹥;臺北縣,永和市:新形象; 1990
榮欽科技; 〈Publisher 2003〉;臺北:松崗; 2006
鄧文淵,陳惠貞(編著);〈快快樂樂學FrontPage 2003使用技巧〉; 臺北:學貫;2006
Microsoft; Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment; 2003
Microsoft; Office family; 2006
Nelson, Roy Paul; Publication Design; Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown; 1991
Vaughan, Tay; Multimedia: Making It Work (6th ed.); Berkeley: McGraw-Hill; 2004
六、成果製作與報告方法 Procedure of Project Presentation
以群體或個人作業方式,設計編輯一個網站。群體作業為4人以上。 每人負責寫作編輯4頁(每頁至少2螢幕,合計8螢幕)以上。如為群體作品,則責任頁數為4頁×人數。
期末報告提示:「技術」部分之「結構與樣式」可用 template.htm (真正使用的範本) template2.htm (其他功能展示)說明。
1、網路上傳部分 Online
2、書面繳交部分 Hard Copy
項目 成果 配分
管理 三管理表完整;另自增輔助管理工具或資料;按進度完成、成果有整合性;團隊精神佳。
內容企畫、訪問、資料相得益彰;標題有功力。 群體:10
設計 靜態視覺輔助-視覺輔助之主畫面與內容之呼應、動力感、空間、色彩、對比之處理。
標準字、年度處理。 10
  動態影象-動態媒體:動畫、視訊企畫與劇本。 10
技術 結構-頁數、網站虛擬(3 levels or above)與實體(folder check)規畫、頁面規畫(4區以上)、示範頁(含框架、雙導覽)、News 頁。 10
  樣式-預設為標楷、自訂embedded樣式 (5以上)、跑馬標題; 段間不空行;布景主題個人化(banner)處理。 10
  圖文框-分欄、與表、表圖、插欄等高級應用(2 or more)。圖文整合、圖片重疊、影象地圖。 10
  自動化-自訂連結(mail, common icon, bookmark, new window, specified bookmark of outside page)、relation (mega tag or behavior) 設計實施、Status messaging、共用元素或網頁。
範本頁(manual display)與範本網站。 10
音訊處理(background or embedded)。 10


一、教學目標 Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the effective use of emerging technology in digital/web-based media and information communications including: versatile electronic publishing, webpage and website design, intranet administration, web community development and media management. As a specific objective, we emphasize to cap off a team project more than an individual task.
This course takes account of the inter-discipline of humanities and information technology through media application. The learning method focuses on problem solving oriented approach. The learning activity designates a hands-on assignment and requires a complete output in the form of publishable presentation.
This assignment may be collaborated by students from different campus, even different countries. It will be the first step for accessing the virtual integrated campus and the virtual international interactive classrooms. It will also be the leading experiment on developing remote group-work model of project management. Students will experience the roles of both vertical and horizontal integration of the project. They will touch the holistic sprit and process of a real project and raise the confidence to organize and guide a team.
The assignment will be published on the experimental web-based magazine ‘College Youth Web Magazine’ also known as ‘ GreenCot.
There are three applications categorized by the output of digital/web-based media:
1. Electronic Publishing, Desk Top Publishing (DTP), Corporate Publishing, and portable document: they are hard copies prepared by information technology.
2. CD-book, CD-magazine, multimedia title (such as computer slide show) and document: they are electronic files authored by various types of software and stored in CD-based or mass storage media.
3. Web-based Publishing, webpage, website, and web community: they are not necessary to have a local storage; they are virtual interaction in the cyber world.
However, there are new growing extended forms from web-based media, such as E-book, E-magazine, which use specific player instead of PC, and mobile media.
The second semester of this course will focus on the third application, animated and 3-D media. Prerequisite of the training of the previous two applications, static and 2-D media in the first semester is required for the students who want to take this course. (*Students who miss the first semester must study the fundamental skills by themselves.)
This course focuses triple posts: design, technology and management.
DESIGN. The teacher will introduce ‘TX’s theory on Media Aesthetics’ to explore what are the tips of successful media design. The answer will be ‘Style and Formation’. The class also will learn ‘TX’s theory on Process Engineering’ to accomplish the media design practice in professional, longitudinal, large-scaled, portable and group work requirements.
TECHNOLOGY. This course will illuminate the concept of ‘tool independency’. We will explain and reason the technology more than demonstrate the techniques. The knowledge of this course can be applied to any software. However, under the concerns of the popularity, availability, future usability and price of the tools, we have to adopt Microsoft and Ulead families’ tools including platform and application. The teacher will guide to use tools in editing text, graphic, image, animation, video, sound, music and web. This course also will employ peripherals and production equipments such as scanner, digital camera, digital video recorder, MIDI…etc. The teaching of advanced tools will be decided by the progress of students’ assignment.
MANAGEMENT. Management is works more than words. Students will have good opportunity to experience the implication of goal, method, and action in management during the assignment of this course. They can learn what is planning and implementation, teamwork and integration, production and marketing. During the group work they will really touch what is communication and negotiation, one for all and all for one, incentive and checking assessment, leadership and the preparation from a team player. The teacher will also emphasize the ideas of market, risk, budgeting, profit and the media as business.
This course will lead students entering this promising interdisciplinary territory or getting ready for further research. It is an interactive place for students form pluralistic majors to enlighten and encourage each other. This course is engaging students who can take care of the whole thing and can look out the future.
Enjoy the course!
Office Hours